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Associates and Friends 


Associates are members of the family of OCMM, and are women and men, lay or ordained, married or single who share a commitment to the ideals of the way of life of the Sisters.

They are communicant members of the Anglican Church, or a Trinitarian denomination in sympathy with the Anglican Communion and its theology and traditions. They make a commitment to living a way of life that reflects a life of simplicity of living, chastity and obedience
 each within their own personal circumstances.

Associates live by a Rule of Life that mirrors that which the Sisters OCMM live by.


Friends of OCMM are women and men, ordained or lay, married of single who commit themselves to pray for the work and mission of The Order of the Companions of Martha and Mary and St Joseph's House of Prayer.

Associates and Friends are encouraged to use the OCMM prayer.

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